Beginners Italian
Age 12+, meets 5 times, Tuesdays 10:30m UK time
Service Description
Beginners Italian Beginners Italian is a new class for young Thinkers interested in learning about Italy's language and culture. Exploring new words and traditions is guaranteed to be fun in this six-week module full of colours, customs and flavours from this Mediterranean country. We use a playful, hands-on approach to encourage Thinkers to participate and recall new vocabulary, so get ready to laugh and enjoy yourself as you learn! The themes for this module are: - Food and drink - Animals - Colours and numbers - Family - Body parts - Clothes NB: NO LESSON ON 26TH NOVEMBER.
Cancellation Policy
All our classes require a minimum number of Thinkers to run. As soon as enough Thinkers sign up you will receive an e-mail from the Scholar running your class with a link to your virtual classroom. If we cannot gather enough thinkers to run a class we will, sadly, have to cancel and/or reschedule. If this is the case, we will e-mail 24 hours before your class is scheduled to start to let you know. To help ensure that your class does take place, please invite others to join you. We find that word of mouth is the best way to let new families know about Thinkers Meet Up. Thank you!
Contact Details