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Introduction to Chemistry

Ages 10-13, Meets five times

Starts 10 Sept
55 British pounds
Zoom Class

Available spots

Service Description

This is an introduction to Chemistry for bright young Thinkers. It will meet for five weeks and cover: 1. Atoms, Elements, Compounds and Mixtures; 2. Ionic substances and crystals; 3. Changes of state and intermolecular bonding; 4. Spy Chemistry; 5. Acids and Bases; 6. Chemistry and Sustainability. Each class will have an associated experiment (or two) which can be carried out after the class (these aren’t compulsory and will be discussed in detail in class for students who aren’t able to complete them). There is also no compulsory homework, but individual research is actively encouraged. The course has been designed to give an introduction to the fundamentals of chemistry, however as with most scientific endeavours, there is an overlap with the other sciences and maths. There will be plenty of space for discussion and to deepen our learning in response to the Thinkers' level of knowledge.

Cancellation Policy

We will do our utmost to ensure every booked class takes place. However, we strongly believe in the value of conversation between thinkers. Thus, we will not run a class with less than the minimum number of students. If we do not have a full group 24 hours before the class is set to start we will, sadly, cancel the session, refund all participants, and seek to run the class at a different time. Our full booking and cancellation policy can be found in our Terms and Services.

Contact Details

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