New Adult Courses - why we are launching these
Humans need to DIALOGUE with each other.
This seems obvious but it is not.
Dialogue is not taking turns speaking. To dialogue is to enter into a vulnerable space of listening, reacting, sharing, and changing ourselves as we learn from those we are engaging with. It takes time, it takes effort. It requires humility, kindness, and deep thinking.
And we need to speak to those who are NOT like us. Those we disagree with. Those who we struggle to understand.
In this difficult conversations we learn, we expand, we solidify certain beliefs and question others. We see new perspectives and realise that at times we have covered our eyes from the truth.
These critical discussions are key for civic wellbeing - these are the conversations that build communities and undermine conspiracy theories and misinformation. These critical discussion are key for personal wellbeing, as we learn about ourselves and grow in kindness and empathy (for ourselves and others!)
And these critical conversations should be at the very centre of education and leadership. This is where education happens: when we expand ourselves and our horizons and find a kind mentor who helps us navigate growing our mind.
A few questions emerge:
1. How do we create spaces for these conversations?
2. How do we enter into such conversations in inherently hierarchical spaces such as work or schools?
3. And, more recently, can AI be part of these conversations? Can we outsource dialogue to AI?
Last Thursday I had the pleasure of discussing why AI CANNOT be a dialogue partner with educators as part of the Learning Planet Institute 2025 Festival. We discussed why education must remain human-centred. There is a lot technology can do, but it cannot teach us how to relate to another human being. It cannot teach us kindness. It cannot present us with new perspectives (beyond those coded into the AI system. Let us remember that only a fraction of human knowledge, and a miniscule fraction of human experience, is coded into AI). If you would like a link to the vide of the discussion please let me know! (Email me on
Meanwhile I am keen to create more spaces for civic discussion and to help others expand civic discussion with young people as well. As part of Thinkers Meet Up Ltd we are launching a series of Civic Dialogues and Workshops were we can come together to discuss BIG IDEAS, and BIG CHALLENGES in small groups, where we can learn from each other. If you are interested in joining us you can find out more information here: